When I look at these pictures I am reminded how fast time flies! Why? Because even though it seems like just yesterday, this was the first time this year that I saw yellowing leaves! And now look outside- or don't maybe look... Regardless it was great to meet this family (and their little grandsons) back when it was green and warm outside. Plus (spoiler alert!), Rachel is getting married in May and I am so thrilled that I get to be there! Thanks again for meeting up with me, Van Maanen family, and I look forward to seeing you again soon! :D
Winkelaar (Extended) Family
I spent a large part of my life living down the road from the Winkelaar family. (I would call them my neighbours but I suppose technically we were a few miles apart- country living tends to skew things that way). Because of this we often got to spend time together car-pooling and silaging. I can honestly say that the Winkelaars are one of the most kind and welcoming families you will ever come across. It is so exciting to see how their family has grown! Here are a few of the highlights of our session together. Enjoy!